Friday, 30 October 2015

Dance Tonight

The Pendleton Parent Club has graciously planned an amazing Halloween Dance for 6th-8th graders TONIGHT! Come in costume and dance your socks off!

Feel free to use some of your amazing spirited ideas from last week, if needed!


Friday, 16 October 2015

Spirit Week!

It's time to show your spirit at Sunridge Middle School! Dress Up next week for the opportunity to win Most Spirited Class!

Monday- Celebrity Day 

Tuesday - Twin /Dynamic Duo 

Wednesday - Disney Day

Thursday - Throwback Thursday

Friday - Color your Grade: 8th = Green, 7th  = White, 6th = Black

In other news: We will be developing a new Cheer Club for Sunridge 7th and 8th graders. Attend the informational meeting on Tuesday during Advisory at 2:30p.m. in the cafeteria for more details!

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Goal Setting

Google "goals" and you'll find a million motivational quotes. However, to reach a goal one must know what goal they are reaching for-

If you don't know where you are going, how will you ever get there?

Middle school is a great time to learn about perseverance. Help yourself (or your student) set a goal by being S.M.A.R.T. about it pushing through each obstacle.

Specific: state exactly what you want to accomplish (who, what, where & why)

Measurable: how will you demonstrate and evaluate the extent to which the goal has been met?

Attainable: stretch yourself to try harder, but also set realistic goals for the time-frame you're in.

Relevant: how does the goal tie into your key responsibilities (typically school or activities for middle schoolers)? 

Time- Bound: set 1 or more target dates, the "by when" to guide your goal to a successful and timely completion (include deadlines, dates and frequency). 

Set your goal, make a plan, get to work, stick to it and REACH IT!

Common mistakes in setting goals- either too big, not specific enough, too many or not written down.

The more your student gets used to setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, the more likely they are to succeed in reaching them!

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Tips and hints on being a middle school parent!

In this world of technology that we live in - there are MANY great resources available to answer all of those "just what do I do" parenting questions.

Such as Greater Good's website where you'll find helpful tips and hints about how to get your student to talk about school.

Or HEDUA's blog for advice on how to help your middle schooler love to read!

And tips from parents around the world sharing how they survived the middle school years!

Of course, the best advice (in my opinion) anyone could give to you is to communicate!! Keep checking in with your kiddo. Show them you care. Ask the tough questions. Provide space when needed.

And when in doubt- reach out!